The Office of Clean Energy Demonstrations (OCED), a division of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), plays an important part in the United States’ goal of and achieving net-zero emissions by 2050. Established with the primary objective of scaling emerging technologies, OCED is backed by over $25 billion in funding from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and Inflation Reduction Act. This budgetary support allows OCED to execute clean energy demonstration projects at a large scale, working in tandem with private-sector partners. Their collective aim is to accelerate the deployment of innovative solutions, foster market adoption, and pave the way for a just transition to a decarbonized energy ecosystem. What Sets OCED Apart? OCED boasts a diverse technological portfolio, encompassing a broad spectrum of initiatives, from clean hydrogen and carbon management to industrial decarbonization and advanced nuclear reactors. Furthermore, OCED champions projects in rural or remote areas, including those situated on current or past mining sites, among others. Though the technologies under OCED's purview hold immense promise, scaling them is fraught with challenges. Addressing and surmounting these barriers falls within OCED's core mandate. A cornerstone of OCED's operations is the continuous engagement with a myriad of stakeholders, ensuring that their projects resonate with communities nationwide and drive an inclusive transition.
Center of Excellence OCED is not just a hub of technological innovation but also aspires to be a center of excellence in clean energy project management oversight. Drawing insights from past DOE demonstrations and incorporating best practices from the private sector, OCED aims to deliver project management excellence. This commitment extends beyond its own office, as OCED lends its expertise to other DOE departments, ensuring uniformity in project implementation strategies across the board. Beyond technical oversight, OCED is committed to championing energy and environmental justice in large-scale demonstration projects. It underscores the significance of an equitable clean energy transition, wherein both the workforce and local communities are central to devising and realizing sustainable solutions. Management Solutions: Ensuring Efficient Deployment of OCED's Vision To translate such ambitious objectives into tangible results, effective programmatic support is crucial. Management Solutions provides a range of clean energy program management support across OCED’s $27 billion budget, ensuring effective investment throughout its portfolio. By providing this important support, Management Solutions aids OCED in fulfilling its mission of steering the nation towards a sustainable and equitable future.